Welcome to Hattrem driving school

Hattrem is a driving school in Trondheim who offers driver`s education for the vehicles car, car with trailer, motorcycle and moped (Classes B, BE, A1, A2, A, AM146 and AM147). We arrange for English-speaking students and welcome everyone.

Contact information: 

Call our servicedesk at: +47 73 94 02 50

mail: firmapost@hattrem-trafikkskole.no

Or visit our school at: Brøsetvegen 175A, 7050 Trondheim

Driver´s education

This next text explains the steps you need to take in order to get your driver´s license in Norway (class B, car). The training consists mainly of 4 steps, and you can choose between driving up to a manual or automatic gear car. Note that you can not drive a manual gear car after getting your permit license for automatic gear car.

Step 1 - TGK Course
Before driving (with a driving school or privately) there is a mandatory 17 lesson T.G.K Course. The course will provide you with a basic understanding of what it means to be a driver. You can take the course from the age of 15.

TGK topics: 
1. Traffic and driver training
2. Basic understanding of road traffic
3. Human factors in traffic
4. Learner driving and gaining driver experience
5. First aid
6. Measures regarding traffic accident
7. Night driving demonstration

Learner´s Permit
After the course, you will receive a permit from the traffic station that allows you to practice driving.
You must bring along the permit and an id card  when you are out driving.
You can also log on to “Your Page” at vegvesen.no and get your permit there.
Have a licence?
If you have a Norwegian licence, you don't have to take the TGK.
Are you the age of 25 or older?
If so, you are exempt from the 4 first bits of the TGK, and you can drive without a Learner´s Permit.
Just remember to bring your ID.
You stil need the first Aid course and Night Driving. You just have to complete the First Aid course before your exam. If your exam is  between March 16th and October 31st, you neet to take the Night driving at a later time.

Step 2 - Basic driving skills
The Step 2 will be about the basic driving skills, getting to know the car, and how to handle the car.
Your driving skills need to be good to get to the Step 3.
Mandatory evaluation
At the end of Step 2 you will have a mandatory evaluation with your instructor 
to see if you are ready for Step 3. 

Step 3 - Rules and regulations
In Step 3 you will be learning about the traffic system, road users, road markings, signs, and how to drive following rules and regulations. You will also learn how to drive in different kinds of traffic and be independent in the traffic.
You normally have to be independent to get to Step 4.
Mandatory safety course on driving track
At the end of Step 3, you will go through a 4 lesson Safety course on a closed track.
You will learn how to secure persons and goods, and how to handle your vehicle on slippery roads.
Following introductory theory you will learn how to overtake.
Mandatory evaluation
Late in Step 3 you will have a mandatory evaluation with your instructor, and together you will decide if you are ready for Step 4.

Step 4 - Final training
In Step 4 you will obtain enough skill to be able to drive a vehicle in good interaction with other road users. You should be able to drive with low risk and be conscious  about how to improve as a driver after you got your driving license.
Mandatory Road Safety Course (step 4)
13 lesson course with 4 topics:
1. Theory: Driving risk
2. Open road driving
3. Final driving in traffic
4. Theory: Reflection and summary

You should have the driving skills to pass your exam before taking this course.

Through the course you will develop further:
your understanding of risks connected to driving a vehicle
your ability to avoid traffic accidents
your ability to evaluate yourself as a driver

Individually tailored lessons
The number of lessons you need is individually to your learning speed. If possible, you should drive several thousand kilometers before you take your exam.

You can read more about the laws for Norwegian driving license at vegvesen.no

Please contact the school for further questions.

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